5 Key Points of Document Week 2021-Timber Business

2021-10-26 02:12:46 By : Mr. Mr. Yu

October 22, 2021 by Alan Coors

After five days of reporting on the new saw archiving technology, an overview of the archiving room, and efforts to narrow the industry's gender gap, the 2021 archiving week ends today. Here is what we learned from featured articles and columns.

CFI's File Week login page will continue to be a place for sawmillers and other stakeholders to look for best practices and the latest information on new sawmill technology throughout the year. Find it under "Explore" under the "Menu" tab.

Find the login page here, see you next year, File Week 2022!

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After five days of reporting on the new #sawfiling technology, archive room overview, and efforts to eliminate #gendergap in the industry, #FileWeek 2021 ends today. Here is what we learned from featured articles and columns: https://www.woodbusiness.ca/5-takeaways-from-file-week-2021/

For all filling rooms, it is recommended to make fine adjustments through the registration process and make sure they are ready for use in your plant. Saw Filing 101 columnist Paul Smith explains what to look for: https://www.woodbusiness.ca/saw-filing-101-dealing-with-new-bandsaws/ #FileWeek #sawfiling #bandsaws

In the sawmill, it is important that the #sawfiling department has a shared commitment to quality, understanding and efficiency, writes saw file manager Josh Panna. In this column, he discusses the importance of #leadership in the archives: https://www.woodbusiness.ca/gromming-as-a-leader-4823/#FileWeek

Provide saws for the @Weyerhaeuser Drayton Valley factory. These saws can handle anything that nature throws at them and still produce perfect planks. This is what the supervisor Serge Lacoste and his team are good at. CFI has an in-depth look at their archives: https://www.woodbusiness.ca/saw-filing-101-profile-weyerhaeuser-drayton-valley/#FileWeek

Is your circular saw being guided correctly? Hope the answer to this question is "yes, they are". CFI columnist Paul Smith explains how to guide your circular saw correctly: https://www.woodbusiness.ca/saw-filing-101-guiding-circular-saws/#FileWeek #sawfiling #circularsaws