Employees, projects and activities focus of Ripley council meeting | Jackson Star and Herald - Ripley and Ravenswood | wvnews.com

2022-10-07 17:51:22 By : Mr. Kevin Zhang

Cloudy. Slight chance of a rain shower. High 61F. Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph..

Mostly cloudy skies. Slight chance of a rain shower. Low 42F. Winds light and variable.

RIPLEY, W.Va. (WV News) — Several employees received praise at the Ripley City County meeting on Tuesday.

Chief of Police Brad Anderson informed council members that the three most recent additions to the department will be attending the West Virginia Police Academy.

Zachary Baker, Benjamin Smith and Steven Fisher will begin class in January 2023.

Another employee, Russell Young, was praised for his work and intention to take the Class II water operator certification test.

“It was a great decision to hire that young man,” Mayor Carolyn Rader said.

Approval was given for the transfer of Justin Lunsford from part-time position with the garbage department to a full-time position with maintenance. His rate of pay will be $13 per hour.

“They’ll miss him in his current position,” Mayor Rader said. “But he will be very welcome in maintenance. He’s such a good worker.”

One last bit of praise was given to Matt Anderson, project chairman for the city.

“Council, you have an excellent liaison with the company completing this two-year wastewater plant project,” Mayor Rader said. “We had an issue with a machine part and Matt handled it very well.”

Anderson, who has overseen the Viking Lane waterline project, reported that what is left to complete is the restoration, concrete and blacktop.

Council approved three payments from American Rescue Plan Act funds for the project for The Thrasher Group for $8,000 and Virco for $13,680 and $28,300.50. Approval was given for a project engineering service agreement with Thrasher to address Phase II of the Viking Lane plan. Anderson said this would extend to at least 3rd Avenue.

“We have been informed by Senator Capito that we have been approved for $750,000,” the mayor reported. “This will be used for that project and to determine which other areas need attention.”

Several October events are planned for the city including meeting with local businesses on October 6. With the planned 190th birthday celebration of the city in December, the mayor and other organizers will seek ideas from local merchants. Another focus will be the economic impact of the purchase of the former Century Aluminum plant by Berkshire Hathaway. Delegate Steve Westfall and Jackson County Economic Development Director Mark Whitely will be on hand to answer questions.

Fun activities planned for the month are mostly centered around Halloween.

On October 29 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm will be what the mayor termed “an old-fashioned block party’ geared towards children through fifth grade. The party will take place on the street between Calvary United Methodist Church and United Bank.

“We’ll have a costume parade, prizes, a ‘monster mash’ style dance with a disc jockey,” she said. “It’ll be a lot of fun.”

Earlier on October 29 will be the West Virginia Chocolate Festival with the parade at 10 am leading to the vendors set up on the courthouse lawn. The mayor said that currently there are at least 14 vendors coming with their chocolate treats.

A popular game is coming to Ripley. The new pickleball court, located at Ripley City Park, will see its grand opening on October 15 at 11 a.m. Phil Iman will give free lessons following the ribbon cutting.

The next city council meeting will be Tuesday, October 18 at 7 p.m. at the municipal building.

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